gateway village

riverside landing

TMJ Treatment​

TMJ is the acronym for temporomandibular joint—the joint that connects your lower jaw (mandible) to the bone on the side of your head (temporal). The joint helps perform the movement we need to talk, chew, and yawn. When there is disorder in the joint, you can experience a lot of discomfort and pain. Problems can arise when misaligned teeth cause strain on the joint and the chewing muscles.
Some of the symptoms that may be linked to a TMJ disorder are:
  • Headaches
  • Stiff jaw muscles
  • Radiating pain in your face, jaw, or neck
  • A jaw that clicks, pops, or locks so you can’t move it at all
  • A change in the way your upper and lower teeth fit together

Relieving your TMJ pain

If you are experiencing the symptoms associated with this disorder, it is important to have your bite and TMJ evaluated. Letting the problem linger can lead to even more problems. Call our office today to schedule your appointment.
gateway village
riverside landing


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